What'z up

with your class?




The Class Coordinator

is someone who is willing to keep their class informed about class and school events such as upcoming reunions as well as this web site, births, deaths and trivia you and your class will be interested in.


This information will be aided by the use of the Seven Hills web site and thus limiting your involvement.

You will initially help in gathering your classmates current information, which I am sure your classmates will be able to help you with, then conveying it to the web master so she can keep the web site updated and current.


I am sure most of your communication can be done by e-mail as we are all so computer savvy these days but I am sure there will be those who will require the old fashioned method of snail mail or the telephone.....


Initially, the contact information may take a little time but as I see it, you will end up being the class "go to girl" for the unanswered web site question or an e-mail prompt to encourage class attendance for next the reunion.


Please help us and your class to keep

our classes informed!!!


To volunteer to be your

Thank you for your help!!!

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