Seven hills School

All School Reunions

Lynchburg, Virginia


2004 was the first year we had a reunion for Seven Hills School-ever!! the reunion was a huge success and a lot of fun. the organizing class was the class of 1974 who was having their 30th reunion.... Thank you class of 1974 fro getting us started!!!

Now, we have an all school reunion annually with more and more classmates attending. Virginia Episcopal School is the host and it is great to see old alums from both schools.

We hope you will attend our next all school reunion.

Next reunion:

June 5, 2009 reunion significant years end in '4 & '9 but all years invited!!! Hope to see you there!!!

2004 Reunion

2005 Reunion

2006 Reunion

2007 Reunion

2008 Reunion

2009 Reunion

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