The next priority was finding a site for the school.
Several options discussed: buying a facility, building a new facility, renting a facility. Renting appeared to be the most feasible financially, but difficult to find the right property; building a facility was out of the question b/c of the cost in money and time. Board agreed that buying a facility would give the community assurance that school was viable and was a “go”.
Several sites investigated: Mrs. C said that a property on Langhorne Rd was favored by Mrs. Flippin but it was ruled out. However, nterstingly enough, Mrs. Flippin later bought this Langhorne Road property after here apples were hit by hail in 1964 for her own business. It is now the Farm Basket. 1919 Rivermont Avenue, then owned by Abe Cohen, was a first contender, but he withdrew his house from consideration. Other properties on the market were deemed too expensive or not suitable The Misses Ward (of Floyd Ward School of Dancing) even offered to rent their studio as a last resort until a property could be found.
Finally it was discovered that the house owned by Addison B. Sims at 2001 Rivermont Ave. was available for purchase. | ||